This department comprises of two fully dedicated Anesthesiologist who are trained from reputed institutions and have vast experience in providing Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine services.
- They are involved in Preoperative evaluation, optimization, intra operative, post operative care as well as effective pain management of the patients across various specialties and super specialties.
- In our Hospital we have two sophisticated and state of art modular operation theaters with laminar air flow and are equipped with latest and advanced operation tables, light source, C-arm for X-ray services, surgical equipments to handle even most complex surgical procedures.
- Dedicated post Anaesthesia care unit and surgical ICU for post operative management.
- Our Anaesthesia department is well equipped with latest advanced Anesthesia work stations, monitors capable of invasive and non-invasive Haemo dynamic monitoring, respiratory gas monitors.
- Gadgets for difficult airway management like video laryngoscope, fiber optic bronchoscope.
- Fluid warmers and body warmers for the optimal temperature management of the patients during the Perioperative period.
- Dedicated ultra sound machine for vascular access, peripheral nerve/ nerve plexus blocks and for more objective hemo dynamic monitoring.
- We offer tailored individualized Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine services for the patients who are subjected to surgeries of various complexities across different specialities and super specialities.