Ultrasound/CT/Fluoro guided biopsies –Under local anaesthesia, day procedure with 4 hrs observation
Ultrasound and CT guided drainages of thoracic, abdominal and pelvis collections.
PTBD/PTC – Percutaneous trans-hepatic biliary drainage with or without stenting. Internal/external drain or external drain could be inserted depending on the clinical need.
Nephrostomies/antegrade ureteric stenting for obstructive uropathy from bladder/prostatic aetiology (benign or malignant).
PCNL access under ultrasound/fluoro guidance
Oesophageal stenting/colonic stenting for malignancies or perforation (covered stents).
Radiologically inserted gastrostomies for benign (multiple sclerosis/MND) or malignant (head/neck, oesophageal
cancers) causes.
Ultrasound or fluoro guided hip/shoulder/ankle/intertarsal joint
injections. Distension arthrogram of the shoulder joints for frozen
Fluoro guided gastric band inflation or deflation post bariatric
Percutaneous wire access via gallbladder or hepatic ducts
for complex ERCP
PICC/Hickman lines (prolonged central iv access), complex dialysis access or any central venous access
Fistulogram and fistuloplasty with or without stenting (dialysis patients)
Peripheral angiogram with balloon angioplasty/stenting for iliac and femoropopliteal disease leading to claudication or critical ischaemia. Balloon angioplasty or stenting for diabetic atherosclerotic disease
in supra and infrainguinal distribution. (Prior Doppler or cross sectional imaging is acceptable otherwise pre procedure Doppler will be performed).
Preoperative embolization for hypervascular primary malignancy or metastases prior to surgery – most embolization are performed with gel foam
IVC filter insertion and retrieval for lower limb and iliac/IVC deep vein thrombosis.
Deep vein clot lysis and venous stent insertion for May-Thurner syndrome or post radiotherapy venous stenosis
Mesenteric angiograms, balloon angioplasty/ stenting for coeliac/ SMA /IMA stenosis.
Embolization of visceral aneurysms/ angiomyolipomas (AML) of the kidney or adrenals. Elective and
emergency services available.
Testicular vein embolization for varicocele via femoral vein or internal jugular vein access (day case procedure with 4 hrs of post procedure observation).
Trans-femoral embolization of post-operative bleed or post biopsy bleed.
Transfemoral embolization for upper and lower GI bleed.
Bronchial artery embolization for intractable haemoptysis.
Embolization of splenic artery/ hepatic artery for traumatic or spontaneous bleed. Pelvic arterial embolization for acute bleed post trauma.
Uterine artery embolization for fibroids and post-partum bleed. Prostatic artery embolization for BPH or malignant causes (prolonged bleeding)
Radiofrequency ablation for renal and hepatic tumours.
Trans arterial chemo-embolization for hepatocellular carcinoma (TACE) or for hepatic metastases from neuroendocrine tumours.
Percutaneous embolization of pseudo-aneurysm with or without balloon occlusion at the neck of aneurysm (for wide neck pseudo-aneurysms). Ultrasound or fluoro guided procedure.
Intravascular (arterial or venous) foreign body retrieval via percutaneous approach.